The UCL Engineering Society (UCLES) is the largest STEM Society, leading the largest collaborative partnership (Engineering Coalition) at UCL:
UCL Crook Society (Biochemical Engineering)
The Crook Society is the official undergraduate student society for the Department of Biochemical Engineering and has recently celebrated its 20th anniversary. The society is named after Professor Eric Crook, who was a keen supporter in developing the field of Biochemical Engineering during the 1950s. For the past few years, the Crook Society has extensively collaborated with Ramsay Society for the promotion of Frank Morton, the annual IChemE sporting event.
UCL Ramsay Society & AIChE (Chemical Engineering)
UCL Ramsay Society is here for students to get the most out of their experience with the Chemical Engineering department. We help our members integrate academically and socially into the department by organising various events to provide opportunities to make new friends, create links with industry and celebrate all the hard work put in throughout the year! Our society is one of the most active within engineering hosting annual social events such as the Halloween Party, Frank Morton Sport’s Day, Ramsay Society Dinner and the End of Year Boat Ball.
UCL CivSoc (Civil Engineering)
CivSoc (Civil Engineering Society) is a student-run society established in 2015. The number of member soars in the last two years, where more than half of the year one civil engineering students have joined the society in 2017. We organize both social and careers events including the Welcome drinks, Annual ball, Kickabout and professional talks from some of the giants in the industry such as Skanska.
UCL Mechanical Engineering Society
We are the UCL Mechanical Engineering Society, making us responsible for ensuring your time spent here in London is unforgettable. As current Mech Eng students at UCL, we understand what the lifestyle is like so we're here to help. Every Mechanical Engineering student at UCL is automatically a member of the MES, so there's no joining fee, and you're entitled to all the subsidies applied to our events!
UCL Women Engineers Society
University College London Women Engineers Student Society (UCLWE) is an initiative to create a community that aspires to promote female students in all levels and fields of engineering. Placing focus on the organisation of networking events, conferences, workshops, socials and numerous outreach activities.
UCL Engineers Without Borders
EWB UCL is a student led society, our mission is to promote, encourage and facilitate human development through engineering. At EWB, we have a few areas that we focus on. Currently our dedicated team focuses on Outreach, Events, Workshops and Open Source projects. We have exciting plans next year where we are going to greatly extend our network and impact more people.